Over the past five years, GessnerLaw, a female owned and operated employment and labor law firm based in North Carolina, has been able to expand their legal offices through the power of digital marketing. We designed a custom website for GessnerLaw that features an internally coded client intake form that reaches potential clients across the state. The site was fully optimized to show up for important search terms relative to their practice areas. We also developed social media content for the firm that is branded in their lavender, purple, and gold colors. GessnerLaw continues to grow their online presence by running Google Ad Campaigns that Outer Banks Media manages.
Our Solutions
- Custom Designed Website
- Online Client Intake Form
- Full SEO-Optimization
- Brand Hookup + Management
- Google Ads Run Across the State of North Carolina
- Social Media Content Development
Working with Outer Banks Media has been such a great experience. I’m so happy with how our new website turned out and so thankful to have had such a wonderful group of people to work with!
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